Friday, May 07, 2010

I'm waiting for something

I'm not sure what.

But while I'm waiting I'm having a lovely time with the daily 'thank you' posts on THXTHXTHX. Like todays...

and yesterdays...

I think you get my drift now...

"Leah Dieterich's mother always told her to write thank you notes. So she does. To everything. thxthxthx is her daily exercise in gratitude."


thursday said...


This is such a wonderful exercise.

Thank you so much for sharing this site.

erer said...

interesting!! really... and it's such a nice quality in a person to be grateful...

thanks for sharing :)

Jackie said...

Excellent...and handwritten too.

M.M.E. said...

These are so inspirational! I have an urge to make my own now.