Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The 6th in the 6th

melanie tagged me. I don't usually do memes. Not because I'm against them or anything. I usually have the intention of doing them. But then I just don't get to it. But this one had me checking my folders and before I knew it I was at the point where I may as well just post it now.

I took this photo when I was working on the composition for an exercise in my uni course. I wasn't that happy with the final result so I didn't post it here. May as well now that I've been outed! Actually I think it is just the colours I'm a little disturbed by...
And what's the meme? You have to post the 6th photo in the 6th folder in you Pictures folder and blog about it. I've got a Mac so I don't have 6 folders in my Pictures folder. So I chose the 6th folder in the photos from this year. I'm assuming there are no meme police.
I'm not going to tag anyone specifically, but if you'd like to do this please post a comment so I can see what you found in your folder! I'd like to see!


Chrisy said...

You know i think those colours work together...i'd rather look at ur drawing than the original composition...

Anonymous said...

i love it actually..i think it's pretty damn unique...and the quirky composition too!

i love the washed up look.