It's not my birthday - it's my blogs birthday.
I'd planned to do some interesting posts.
My computer problems are bigger than I had hoped, but I'm not really surprised.
I won't be able to celebrate. Or do anything interesting here until sometime early April. I'm sorry for you all, but most of all I'm sorry for myself. (Don't you hate self pity?)
But there is good news! I do have something really exciting brewing!!!
I won't say yet! You'll have to guess...
(I'll give you a hint......
I'm having a special blog guest!)
Thursday, March 22, 2007
A very ___________ birthday to me
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
4:02 pm
Monday, March 12, 2007
In my drawing course I was first asked to draw a group of chairs on A1 paper. This is done with charcoal, graphite and ink and had to use only lines. I was surprised initially at the exercise because it asked for me to arrange some of my chairs in a thoughtful composition. Chairs! We have chair issues in our house! We have soooo many chairs. We love chairs. We can never possibly own another chair... and then we see one... and it is gorgeous!... can we fit in another chair? (No we cannot!) (but sometimes we do...)
My composition is supposed to look a little uncomfortable, as if the chairs are vying for attention, as if they are trying to move up the chair-ladder of our esteem, as if they feel (ever so slightly) threatened by our lust for more chairs and how that might bring about their demise.
The cupboard under the sink in the toilet is on A4 and done with felt tip pens, pitt pens and textas. It too had to be only lines. (It is not a good scan, for some reason the thick black texta showed up much darker than the rest.) I had to draw objects of different surface textures inside a 3D space. I chose this because I thought the S-bend and the toilet paper would be interesting to draw.
I find it interesting that both these drawing exercises are very similar to Everyday Matters Challenges. I never got around to EDM challenge 30 - Draw a chair, or 64 - Draw your sink, but now I've done them!
P.S. My computer is back and has a really big bandaid (sticking plaster for those non-Australians) to keep it going until April! And in April I'm getting my first Mac. I'll give it a go and see how I like it. These computers only last 3 years anyway, so I can always go back to a PC then if it doesn't work out.
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
4:29 pm
Labels: drawing, EDM, Uni coursework
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
I'm down, but I'll be back
I'm devastated. My PC is dead. I'm going through a grief period, and trying to get it fixed. I'll be back with new posts as soon as I can... but I shudder to think how long that will be. Miss me please! I'm missing you all!
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
1:53 pm
Thursday, March 01, 2007
I hate it when I sound like I'm bragging while I'm bragging...
...but my (untitled) artist's book is on Notebookism (!!!) Thanks Armand!
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
7:17 am
Labels: featured