Just a quick sketch of my wine tonight. Used the same nib as in lower left (previous post). Also did thick outline of the frame with same nib as in lower right (previous post again) and was VERY disappointed in the way the Moleskine paper just sucked the life out of the line! (Is that the wine talking? I might try this challenge again later in the week with coffee and see what effect that has on the result!)
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
EDM Challenge #69 - Draw a beverage
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
7:16 pm
4 Pens Tested
These are very quick sketches I just did to try out 4 of the (seems like) hundreds of pens I now have. (See previous post.) The sketches are not great but I did quickly find each pen 'expressed' itself (or is it myself?) differently. I was amazed at the thick smooth expressive lines that came out of the bottom righthand pen. It has a circle on the end of the nib. Lines that are smooth - but not too smooth, if you know what I mean. I love character over perfection everytime. Even the tiny nib that I could barely get to work scratched out it's own characteristic lines that have their own charm.
Now all I have to do is practise my drawing... and test more pens.
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
5:17 pm
Monday, May 29, 2006
Extreme Good Fortune
My husbands father was an artist, cartoonist, signwriter and ticket writer. He died over 10 years ago, and hadn't used these items for about 10 years before that. Over the years in various clean-ups I have been the fortunate recipent of paints, pastels, stacks of watercolour paper and paints, pencils, brushes and books. In a final clean-up my husband wanted this little glass and cedar drawer cabinet and brought it home still packed as his dad had it. Never a pen and ink girl, I did my first sketches in ink about 2 months ago in response to Danny Gregory's "Creative License" book. I'm loving it! And now, out of the blue, find I am the lucky recipent of three draws of nibs, nib holders and other ink drawing materials!!! What ink there was has long dried up, but I will remedy that situation swiftly! So I'm about to move on up from my markers and disposable cartridge pen! to dipping ink and any nib you can imagine! I am truly lucky! (Always have been!)
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
3:51 pm
Labels: studio
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Illustration Friday - Cake
When you are obsessed with the 'everyday' I think it is only natural(?) to turn to cake. This one is titled "Mud Heart". Cake can be such a conundrum in itself. You go into the shop (and also if you make it yourself too) and you SEE the cake you want. You choose it firstly because of how it looks, catches you eye. Then you enquire as to its flavour. Mmmm, I think I'd like that! I'll take one. Hmmmm, looks a little lonely, and I quite liked the look of that one too, and what if someone comes around...
So by the time you get home you have more than you need for your (apparently because no one came) lonely existance.
As a visual person, you decide to paint it before you eat it. (For this one I put my timer on for 30 mins.) By the time you are done there are a thousand people asking what's for dinner and what can they eat and can they have that one and if you can get a word in to say "let's have it with a cuppa" you're lucky.
What did it taste like? I think Caitlin got to eat this one.
Anyway, the point is that cake always looks better than it tastes, except for the occasions when it tastes better than it looks, in which case there was no reason to paint it.
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
9:44 am
Labels: painting
Saturday, May 27, 2006
I've Tried My Waterbrush
I've been trying out my water brush... just dabbling... it seems like such a great idea... but I'm not sure about the one I got... no such thing as a Niji in my local art shop... mine was Japanese... but I don't remember the brand...
I did this on a watercolour page I inserted into this journal when I made it about 2 years ago. I'm still filling it. Not even half full yet. I've learnt my lesson about making large books! This is my ideas book really. The place I evolve my paintings. I don't usually paint in it - as it is only cartridge paper (another lesson learned) but I do whenever a water colour sheet comes along.
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
6:43 pm
Labels: bookbinding, drawing
Monday, May 22, 2006
EDM Challenge #68 - Draw your computer
My computer is (surprisingly) my new best friend. I have really enjoyed the world it has opened up to me. I have met more people of like interests through my computer in the last few months than at any other time in memory (probably doesn't mean anything). I have received freely given positive criticism and those with negative opinions have kept them to themselves. It has been the best venue for my art that I have yet found.
The conundrum is that the more this works for me, the more I am motivated to work, the more work I produce, the more I am motivated to post, the more I am motivated to surf, and lur, checking the work of other [who are working - not lurking!] and the consequential lack of priduction is, motivated by those I saw while lurking, replaced by working, working, working, which I then post, which leads to...
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
8:43 pm
EDM Challenge #10 - Draw a hand
I found a second hand copy of a book on henna tattoos. I've long had a fascination with tattoos of all descriptions so I couldn't resist. This is one of the beautiful hand tattoos. It also happens to be an Everyday Matters Challenge! I am slowly getting some of them done. The fingers are still a bit 'banana-ish'. Once again I've used my new found friends the Faber Castell Shades of Grey Brush pens, my new disposable fountain pen and a couple of Pigma Microns. I do love love love the Shades of Grey pens! They so easily elevate a drawing from a flat line drawing to a reasonable tone drawing in a very short quick time.
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
7:30 am
Sunday, May 21, 2006
New Pens
It's Sunday and I've had a bit of a go with my new pens. I LOVE my Faber Castell Shades of Grey Brush Pens. Shading is sooooo easy. I'm also getting to know my Pentel disposable fountain pen. This page also includes some bits of my other new pens - Pigma Micron 05, 01 and Brush pens. The Pigma Micron Brush pen is me least favourite new pen. But I'm finding good uses for the others.
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
2:24 pm
Carnival Clown
This is my latest painting sent out into the world to find a new home. It is off to a fundraising auction for friends of mine. I hope it finds a loving home. This is the 'blurb' that goes with it...
“Roll Up I” is the first painting from Jan Allsopp’s latest series of paintings. The paintings depict snapshot images of Marches Amusements carnival (held annually at the Jetty Foreshores over summer). These carnival images are blended with memory images of the flock wallpaper in the Chinese restaurants in the 60’s and 70’s in Tamworth where Jan grew up. Why combine such disparate images as carnival and wallpaper? She feels it has something to do with the excitement she felt as a child, both at the local show and special occasion dinners out. In “Roll Up I” the wallpaper entwines and overlaps the image of a single carnival clown, mouth wide waiting for little hands to drop balls inside.
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
2:17 pm
Labels: exhibition, painting
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Pattern and Patterns
Starting to sew again... In Melbourne I tried to buy "the PERFECT shirt"... No such thing. So I decided to make it... got the pattern... got the fabric... oooh, I like this fabric too! I'll get it as well... I think I'll just make this fabric up first... I'll make it into that top I always make... it's so comfortable for work!
...I must remember to make up that shirt pattern... next...
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
11:22 am
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
EDM Challenge #51 - "Dancing With The Stars"
Lots of great suggestions received with thanks. One suggested drawing from the TV. I've not ever done that... there's a ballroom dancing show on NOW! Ok, time to try... here's the result.
Ok, so I didn't spend a lot of time on the 'quick sketch of the dancers'... but my Mum was visiting for her birthday and it was fun to draw.
4 May - Changed the title of this entry to include the EDM challenge I didn't realise I was doing at the time! Thanks to Shirley for the info!
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
9:25 pm
Monday, May 01, 2006
A Week in Melbourne
I'm back (and almost recovered) from a week in Melbourne. I had a lovely time with family there - lots of fun with 3 year old Michael. Consequently not a lot of sketching time and what time I had was brief. These are two quick sketches.
I'm practising the 'art' of quick sketching. Does anyone have any tips? I want to capture the essence and a little detail in the shortest possible time - I'm preparing for a big trip away and want to be ready, skills wise.
Posted by
Jan Allsopp
6:42 am
Labels: drawing, moleskine, travel journal